The Cheriton Players

April 28, 2013

And curtain down…

As another set is struck and our actors slope off for a well earned G&T, we say farewell to Edward Jones, Sarah Appleby and the rest of the characters we created over the past few weeks. A Bolt from the Blue played to good houses and the feedback has been great – to tackle such an unusual piece will never please everyone but the response we have had is tremendous and we are pleased we pushed the boundaries for this one. Watch this space for news of our autumn production and if you haven’t already done so, please sign up for your newsletter elsewhere on this site.

Well done to all involved in Bolt – it was tremendous fun, David Cradduck’s hair will grow back (we raised well over £1,000 for Naomi House) and added a feather in our cap. Photos will be going up soon – also of our autumn 2012 production Season’s Greetings.